I come from one of the largest most wonderful countries in Eurasia. I was born in a little village called Kazan in Russia. It is a very pretty place. Because of the snow, we only get to witness the gift nature supplied 3 months a year. During that time, the lifestyle changes,and even the everyday activities such as sports are different, below are 2 pictures of Kazan in summer and Winter.
Kazan is a city of west-central Russia on the Volga River east of Moscow. Founded in 1401, the city became the capital of a powerful Tartar khanate in 1455 but was conquered by Czar Ivan IV in 1552. Kazan, is the capital city of Tatarstan, Eastern European Russia. Kazan's port and shipyards made it an important water transport center. 
The University of Kazan, founded in 1804. The city also has a branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and several monasteries, mosques, and the Russian Islamic University Medrese, founded 1998.eathtaking views.
